Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gone but not Forgotten

Gone but not Forgotten
Today I'm going to talk about a very tragic event in history. Last year in World History class we covered WWII and the Holocaust. I always knew that these events occurred  and what they were initially but I had no idea just how horrid they were. I have many Jewish family members and friends and they are some of the nicest, most giving people I have ever met; to think that innocent people just like them were gassed, buried alive, and burned terrifies me to my very soul. After three weeks of  studying my teacher, the biggest history buff I've ever met, had us stand witness to Schindler's List  ... My eyes burned so badly from holding in tears that they looked as though they had actually been burned. Everyone's eyes were red and puffy leaving the classroom in a heavy, uniform, solemn state. The whole sophomore class one period at a time had their eyes opened to the horrors that were the Holocaust. I reflected on that video for a few days before discussing an idea I had with my history teacher. I felt as though these people needed to be honored. My teacher agreed and told me that if I could truly capture and honor the victims of the Holocaust that he would allow me some extra credit as long as he got to keep the picture. The image above hangs proudly in his classroom today along side another painting I had completed for WWI. I am extraordinarily proud of these piece, not only because it was my first real colored pencil piece and portrait but because it means something. I dedicate this picture to all the victims that passed in the horror that was the Holocaust. You may be gone but you are definitely not forgotten.

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